Monday, December 31, 2007

January goal

January goal: Less than one 13 gallon bag of trash per week.

Action: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Steps to take:
Set up recycling center
Get used to recycling regularly
Make purchases to reduce packaging/waste
Figure out best options for taking recycling

Making this budget neutral
Getting spouses support
Making it a habit
It's January and we don't have a place to compost.

Positive steps already taken:
Cloth diapering

My brother
My step-mom

1 comment:

StarStraf said...

we recycle with just two cardboard boxes in the pantry, then I take those to walmart recycling. My major recyling is that I dont' take the paper. Pooch dosen't recycle but i've trained him to put all containers in the same place as dirty dishes and I take care of it.